Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Drawing inspiration

In the three years that I traveled by local bus to college and back, there are some incidents that I vividly remember.

There was, of course, the first time experience. Never having traveled by local bus before, I got on with a friend when getting back home after the ‘entrance’ exams. It was exhilarating to watch the road from that height! The bus was relatively empty, so I could feel the rush of the wind on my face.

I once got on to a bus that was full of children, yet so silent. They could communicate only with their hands and facial expressions. Although some even threw in dramatic hand movements, I could not escape the fact that each one of those deaf and dumb child wore such happy smiles. So many conversations were on, yet, when I closed my eyes, I got the feeling that I was standing alone; but I was not lonely.

Often I have fervently wished that I had a camera handy. Such worthy shots, full of emotion whiz by. 3 ‘0’ clock in the afternoon, a mother cradling her child. The ordinariness of features was over-ridden by the sheer love on her face. The play of light only complimented the frame further. My hands itched to get closer, to bask in the reflected glory of that love. Now, it’s shuttered in my memories.

As someone once rightly said, inspiration is found in the strangest places. My 3 years on the bus showed my how the same item can be used differently. It lent fresh perspective on values and valuation. It was the aspect of life, that lent it’s reality to me easily and drew me in for more.

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